An array of simple programmable processors is implemented in 0.18 m CMOS and contains 36 asynchronously clocked independent processors. Each processor occupies 0.66 mm^2 and is fully functional at a clock rate of 520-540 MHz at 1.8 V and over 600 MHz at 2.0 V. Processors dissipate an average of 32 mW under typical conditions at 1.8 V and 475 MHz, and 2.4 mW at 0.9 V and 116 MHz while executing applications such as a JPEG encoder core and a fully compliant IEEE 802.11a/g wireless LAN baseband transmitter.
Zhiyi Yu, Michael Meeuwsen, Ryan Apperson, Omar Sattari, Michael Lai, Jeremy Webb, Eric Work, Dean Truong, Tinoosh Mohsenin, Bevan Baas, "AsAP: An Asynchronous Array of Simple Processors," IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 695-705, March 2008.
@ARTICLE{Yu:JSSC08, author={Zhiyi Yu and Meeuwsen, M.J. and Apperson, R.W. and Sattari, O. and Lai, M. and Webb, J.W. and Work, E.W. and Truong, D. and Mohsenin, T. and Baas, B.M.}, journal={Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of}, title={{AsAP}: An Asynchronous Array of Simple Processors}, year={2008}, month={Mar.}, volume={43}, number={3}, pages={695-705}, doi={10.1109/JSSC.2007.916616}, ISSN={0018-9200} }