Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithms are typically designed to minimize the number of multiplications and additions while maintaining a simple form. Few FFT algorithms are designed to take advantage of hierarchical memory systems, which are easy to include in special-purpose processors, and nearly universal in modern programmable processors. We present a new generalized algorithm, called the cached-FFT, which is designed explicitly to operate on a processor with a hierarchical memory system. By taking advantage of a small and fast cache memory, the algorithm enables higher clock frequencies (for special-purpose processor applications), reduced data communication energy, and increased energy-efficiency—since smaller memories require lower energy per access and can be positioned closer to the processor.
Bevan M. Baas, "A Generalized Cached-FFT Algorithm", In Proceedings of The IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), March 2005, pp. V-89-92.
@inproceedings{baas:cached-fft:icassp05, author = {Bevan M. Baas}, title = {A Generalized {Cached-FFT} Algorithm}, booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'07)}, year = 2005, month = mar, pages = {V-89-92} }
Last update: August 6, 2007