Latex Notes
Latex Package Declarations (in top-level *.tex)
- For proper use of sideways tables/figures
- Example code to hyperlink all figure/table/chapter/section/bibliography
references in the PDF:
\usepackage[dvips, pdfpagemode = none,
bookmarks = true, colorlinks = true,
linkcolor = black, citecolor = black,
urlcolor = blue,
pdftitle = {MSEE Thesis},
pdfauthor = {Jeremy W. Webb},
pdfsubject = {MSEE Thesis},
pdfcreator = {Jeremy W. Webb}
Useful Commands
- Courier mono-spaced font:
<font face = "courier">Text.</font>
- Colored fonts:
<font color = "green">Text.</font>
Latex packages
- Great style files
by Gregory Plett.
This package is useful for submitting paper to IEEE journals such as JSSC, where
the submission format is different from the final format. By using the submission
mode and conditional expression of commenting the figures, changing from submission mode (single column, double space and
list of tables/figures at the end of the paper) to final mode (double column, single space and figures/tables are distributed
along the texts) are very straightforward.
(a) Final mode commands:
\documentclass{journal}{IEEEtran} % IEEEtran.cls
\begin{table or figure}
\end{table or figure}
(b) Submission mode commands:
\documentclass{submission, 12pt}{ieee} % ieee.cls from Gregory Plett
\input{endpics} % endpics.tex includes all the figures and tables
ECE Dept. |
UC Davis
Last update: November 11, 2011