Today is:
Address | Name | R/W | Default Value | Description |
0 | config_data[31:0] | R/W | 0x00000000 | Lower 32-bits of Configuration Data. |
1 | {24'b0,config_data[39:32]} | R/W | 0x00000000 | Upper 8-bits of Configuration Data. |
2 | config_addr[31:0] | R/W | 0x00000000 | Lower 32-bits of Configuration Address. |
3 | {24'b0,config_addr[39:32]} | R/W | 0x00000000 | Upper 8-bits of Configuration Address. |
4 | {29'b0,spie_cfg[2:0]} | R/W | 0x00000006 | SPIE Configuration Register:
0: start_spi; start SPIE transaction by toggling l-h-l. (Active High)
1: reset_cold; perform cold reset on AsAP by toggling h-l-h. (Active Low) 2: reset_sel;
0 -> 20ns wide retimed pulse. 1 -> uBlaze pulse h-l-h. |
5 | slv_reg5[31:0] | R/W | 0x00000000 | Reserved Register. |
6 | {29'b0,spie_stat[2:0]} | R | 0x00000000 | SPIE Status Register:
0: miso_rdy; MISO data is ready to be read from SPIE. (Active High)
1: send; SPIE ready to start a new transaction. (Active High) 2: hold;
0 -> receiving data/addr. 1 -> transaction in process. |
7 | {12'b0,miso_read[19:0]} | R | 0x00000000 | SPIE MISO Read Data. |